
Task assignment

In many cases, you will need to transfer data between processes running on the same machine or send the data via the network. You can use XML or JSON but these formats are inefficient. There are several more efficient alternatives (e.g. Protobuf and Avro) you can use instead.

The serialization frameworks define data structures with schemas in their own languages that can be compiled into classes in a variety of programming languages (Java, C++, Python, etc.).

Your goal is to implement a Java application which generates data and stores them to classes generated by protobuf and avro serialization frameworks and sends the converted data via TCP to a C/C++ application. This application processes the data (calculates averages) and sends results back.

You will be given a reference implementation using JSON data format. Use this data classes as a template how the schemas in protobuf and avro should look like. You will not be probably able to create exact counterparts due to some limitations of the serialization protocols; therefore, you will need to find out a workaround.


  1. Create a team of 2 students.

  2. Download a template from git repository:

    git clone
  3. There is a subfolder in src/main/ for each language/schema (java, cpp, proto, avro, ...).

  4. To compile and run both counterparts follow the instructions in the project README.

  5. First run the C/C++ server component and then the Java client component.

  6. Define protobuf and/or avro schemas as similar as possible to the provided JSON format (package cz.esw.serialization.json.*). Write the schemas into prepared measurements.proto and measurements.avsc files. Hint: Use class names with prefix P for protobuf classes (e.g. PDataset) and A for avro classes (e.g. ADataset).

  7. Implement the applications (both Java and C/C++) into the provided template following the specification described in the next section.

  8. Observe performance differences between the data formats.

  9. Upload the application into the upload system. Upload only files in the template repository and any newly added sources. Don't upload compiled binaries or generated sources. You can use the following command to generate the archive:

    git archive --format=zip -o HEAD

Application Specification


The configuration of the application is handled by Maven (pom.xml) which takes care of all libraries required and compilation of the serialization schemas (you have to run mvn compile to generate the source codes of the data classes every time you change the serialization schemas). To compile and run the application, follow the instructions in README.

The java app has to accept following three arguments and optional fourth one:

app <host> <port> <format> [<numberOfTransmissions>]

The application has to accept generated data and convert it to the transfer format and send the data.

The arguments <host> and <port> are the address and port of the receiver and <format> is one of the following enumeration {json, proto, avro} defining the format for the data transfer over TCP.


C/C++ application will have to be compiled by Meson, including generation of protbobuf/avro generated files. To do that update src/main/cpp/ For example, to call protoc to generate source code add something like this:

protoc = find_program('protoc', required : true)
gen = generator(protoc,
                output    : ['', '@BASENAME@.pb.h'],
                arguments : ['--proto_path=@CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR@', '--cpp_out=@BUILD_DIR@', '@INPUT@'])
generated = gen.process('measurements.proto')
srcs = ['dataset.cpp', 'main.cpp', 'measurementinfo.cpp', 'result.cpp', generated]

Links with description how to install the protocol compilers and use them are provided below in corresponding sections, or use nix-shell.

The C/C++ application has to listen on the defined port and receive data in the defined format, process the data (just calculate averages) and send the results back.

The app has to accept the two following arguments:

server <port> <format>

The argument <port> is the port on which the receiver listens and <format> is one of the following enumeration {json, protobuf, avro} defining the format of the data transferred over TCP.

Data format

  • json - sends/receives the data as JSON text
  • proto - sends/receives the data as bytes of the protobuf generated classes
  • avro - sends/receives the data as bytes of the avro generated clases

Message Size

The C++ implementations of Protobuf and Avro frameworks will not probably be able to recognize ends of messages, therefore the Java application has to send the message size before the message itself.

The receiving part should look similar to:

int messageSize = readAndDecodeMessageSize(stream) // your implementation
char *buffer = new char[messageSize];, messageSize)

The size of Protobuf message is easy to get:

int messageSize = objectToBeSerialized.getSerializedSize();
sendMessageSize(messageSize, outputStream) // your implementation

The size of Avro message is not that straightforward to retrieve:

DatumWriter<ADataset> datumWriter = new
ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new
BinaryEncoder encoder =
EncoderFactory.get().binaryEncoder(byteArrayOutputStream , null);
datumWriter .write(objectToBeSerialized, encoder);

int messageSize = byteArrayOutputStream.size();
sendMessageSize(messageSize, outputStream) // your implementation



You can use either the JSON-based Avro Schema or much less verbose Avro IDL to define the messages. However, be aware that the ''avrogencpp'' tool accepts only Avro Schema. Therefore, you need to convert IDL to Schema by avro-tools.jar (you can download it on the same site as other Avro parts), or, for example, IntelliJ IDEA Avro plugin can also do the conversion.


Apache Maven is a project management tool enabling management of library dependencies and building. Some IDEs have Maven integrated but for easy use in command line you will have to download it and add the bin folder to the PATH.


If you submit a solution with both protocols implemented, you will get 5 points. If you submit only one protocol you will get 3 points.